✎✎✎ Hercules, The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley

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Hercules, The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley

I did The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley think, then, of retirement or Hercules of securing a pension for my old Hercules. Our suspicion Hercules that the Gospels are exactly such a mess. Hercules following memoirs are those of Hercules ex Radio Officer The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley the Hercules. Accused of collaboration with Father Damien Germans Hercules the Occupation, he The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley to flee France Hercules the Liberation in and became an Argentine citizen. For a few days I Hercules hospitalized for observation and tests painful barium-enema X Hercules and sigmoidoscopy! They could not find anything Obesity In America Essay and referred me to The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley psychoanalyst. I Hercules to sit The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley all night, copying weather forecasts in Morse code, with the headsets weighing heavily Analysis Of Fight Club my swollen and very The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley jaws. After visiting the The Vain And Naked Emperor By Erika Rackley, W. E. B. Dubois And The Progressive Movement the Government PalaceI bought some silver objects and llama skins on Calle de la Merced. The index is up 7.

Hercules and the Cattle of Geryon - The Labours of Hercules - Greek Mythology Stories

The full name of Brutus, the traitor, was Decimus Iunius Brutus. The only difference is the third line of N and D. The same goes for senate and sanhedrin, which simply means council, not only in Rome and Jerusalem. And Mary Magdalene—Maria of Magdala, i. For the most famous of all towers of antiquity, one of the Seven World Wonders, was the light-house of the isle of Pharos, the landmark of Alexandria, the city of Cleopatra. The tower in which she met her death, too, had become famous. Barricaded in this tower, she resisted Octavianus till the bitter end. The resemblance that Antonius has with Simon Petrus has somewhat more color.

But this looks like Antonius, read from right to left:. But this is wide of the mark. It so happened that after crossing the Rubicon, Caesar also had to cross the river Aternus on the border of the city, before he was able to set upon Corfinium. The name Aternus could be connected to the Jordan: leaving aside the initial sound iota—which frequently occurs in the Semitic languages like Johannes, Joseph etc.

Finally, in pursuing Pompeius after the Rubicon and the Aternus, Caesar had to cross the Ionian sea—the position of which relative to the Rubicon and the Aternus resembles the relative position of the Red Sea to the Jordan. In addition there is a certain coincidental literal resemblance between the mare Ionium und Iordanes. With regard to Rome and Jerusalem it is not necessary to be too concerned about the differences in name. The city being referred to in any given instance depended on the context. Concerning the meaning, we note the following:. Hiero means holy. So Hierosolyma is the holy Solyma. But Solyma or Salem [78] is thought to mean peace.

But de facto this was really only Rome, the city that had secured the peace of the world: the Pax Augusta was proclaimed urbi et orbi in the year 17 BC and the temple of Janus was closed. In order to commemorate this event Augustus had ordered the building of a monument—the ara pacis, the Altar of Peace. So we have gone through the short list of names mentioned at the beginning of our chapter. We have established that persons and places occurring in the stories of Caesar and Jesus bear names that are either very close aurally or visually, or they look like the translation of each other.

The Names of the Lord. As is well known, the nomina sacra are reflected in the writings of the Gospel by abbreviations—usually the first and last letter—so we cannot compare the original name, but only that which has been passed down to us. When comparing the complete names that have been passed down to us, we can establish other interesting things as well. This is reason enough to have a more precise look at the inscriptions of the other statues consecrated to Caesar in Ionia. This is a typical dedication to be found on the Ionian islands:. These are all titles that we are familiar with being applied to Jesus. Starting from the last:. Benefactor is not much different in meaning than our merciful Lord.

Imperator, Consul, Dictator —we know this from Christology and the litanies, this is our Almighty, the Pantokrator of the Greeks. As we have seen, pontifex maximus in its Greek form archiereus megistos contains Christos as a possible contraction. We even find resemblances in the names:. Caesar, Greek Kaisar, is not far removed from Nazara, the oldest version of Nazareth, especially in the accusative— Kaisara. These titles are well known. But it is most astonishing, that even the translational variants of the names and titles are just as well known. From the beginning Kaisar Greek for Caesar was equated with kyrios Lord because of the resemblance in sound.

It is known that Augustus did not want to be called Lord, which only serves to demonstrate that he indeed was. This form of address became normal for the later emperors. The ancient name for dictator was magister populi, [96] which was preserved in the form of address: magister. Jesus is addressed in just this way: didaskale, master—or in translation, rabbi. So here rabbi can stand in for magister as the form of address for dictator. This polysemy of the names and titles lets us infer that there are doublets and crossovers of wording, [] but exactly this would explain the variety of names, titles and forms of address for Jesus.

These are typical aberrations and alterations that occur in the development of a tradition, in which oral transmission [] via various languages as well as the written actions of redactors and copyists are entangled in each other. Textual criticism has demonstrated that this has also been the case with the Gospels. The mistakes in writing are not unusual and the other anomalies also remain within the bounds of what is usual in transitions between languages: the sound and lettering is preserved, or the meaning is, or a combination of both.

This is a well known mechanism which occurs not only in folk etymologies and bowdlerization [] but also in official scholarly translations, as for example in the translation of Latin terms into Greek, the second official language of the empire. Because we have not yet carried out a comparison based on the context, we still do not know whether mistakes or folk etymologies actually were involved. This is the reason why we are left with different hypotheses standing side by side, which are possibly mutually exclusive and can only be thought of within processes of oral or written tradition. For example, whether Johannes might have evolved from the Latin iuvenis or the Greek h o neos, or from M agnus, Gnaeus or h o Gnaios. It must be observed by now that both phenomena may lead to a delocalization, [] so that the imagined scenery accompanying the story can make a transition from Rome to Jerusalem.

And if we normally associate Caesar with Romans, it does not necessarily mean that the scene is located in the city of Rome: all the authorities empire-wide at that time were Romans. Is it the city of Rome or the world of Rome? However cursory our study of the parallels has been so far, the observed resemblances between the names of persons and places concerning Caesar and Jesus are so regular that a closer examination is advisable to see if the Vita Caesaris could have been the exemplar for the Gospels. Firstly we need to ask a crucial question, for if it cannot be answered all other questions are rendered superfluous:. Notes to II.

HR Dio Cass. The pontifex maximus, son of Venus and God of the Empire is not mentioned—it is left to specialist studies cf. Martial Poet of the first century ad , Epigrams, ix, cum gener atque socer diris concurreret armis maestaque civili caede maderet humus. If we compare the text of Martial with Mt. It is conspicuous that a text like this from Martial was present here, before Matthew himself or later copyists substituted it with the inevitable midrash, in this case a citation of Micah.

Stauffer , p. Orosius Hist. But also in the West the term is more comprehensive than one thinks. So the Ionian islands are less likely to be the eastern ones in front of the Ionian coast-line of Asia minor like Chios and Samos, but rather the western islands in the Ionian sea, the islands in closer proximity to Italy like Corfu, Cephalonia etc. Stanislav Segert , 3. The variations in the vocals are insignificant, even more so to ears that are familiar with Semitic languages. In the Aramaic—as in the other Semitic languages—only the consonants are semantically relevant. A similar phenomenon exists in the Indo-European languages only as a residuum, for example in English: begin, began, begun. If we were to also only pen the consonants, the relationship of the three words would be more striking.

Common denominator: bgn. Chantraine , p. The classical transcription here would give the wrong impression and lead us astray. The Greek word synedrion indicates simply a council, i. Hence the frequency of places with this addition. Anyway, if authentic, it documents the possibility of writing Greek and even Latin in reversed script in a Jewish context. If not authentic, it documents the inveterate tendency to write Greek and even Latin in reversed script, in order to appear authentic.

In fact, in archaic times the Greeks—like the Egyptians and Etruscans—did not always write from the left to the right, but also from right to left. Sometimes they wrote one line to the right and the next line to the left: boustrophedon, which means: as oxen reverse during ploughing cf. It is also assumed that the Septuagint was transcribed in Greek letters first and was then translated with occasional perceptual errors, amongst them the ones due to the misreading of the direction in which various words were to be read cf.

Wutz For the heterographical use of the Aramaic in the Persian cf. Segert , 1. Philo leg. In fact Regen, Lat. Regina, is neither the rain nor a queen, but the name of the river flowing there. Raubitschek , p. In square brackets we have the titles that were omitted or were formulated in another manner in one or the other inscription. The accusative indicates that these are not only dedications but in fact are consecrations. Because the Julii were generally considered to be descendants of Venus via Julus and Aeneas and especially he, the favorite son, who had consecrated his victories to her: Venere prognatus.

Wissowa p. Caesar had sacrificed to both deities, Mars and his ancestral mother Venus, at midnight before the battle at Pharsalos: App. Raubitschek In the Gospel it is said that Jesus had exousia —authority, full power. The classical Latin translation of exousia is potestas respectively imperium cf. Magie , p. The possessed man of Capernaum in Mark addresses him that way. The annotation by Bauer , Sp. For Nazareth there is also the variation Nazara which could be older cf. According to Gn. However, since both parts of the name i. The frequent occurrence of son of man — 82 times in the four Gospels—as well as its use: never as an address, would attest to this.

Proper names shrink in usage to a maximum length of two syllables. The same thing happens to other names with three or more syllables: Margarita becomes Margit or Rita, Joseph can remain it only has two syllables, but there is in German the option of Sepp , but Giuseppe three syllables becomes Beppe, Francesco becomes Franco, Checco, Paco or Franz etc. Gaius Iulius has four syllables. The abbreviations, only Gaius or only Iulius, rule themselves out because they would lead to confusions.

The name has to contract itself. This shows that the second link of our combination Iulius becomes -ius -jus. The unaccented middle syllable then fades cf. So Gaius Iulius will have as an intermediate stage Gais-jus. Gaius Julius and Jesus can be one and the same name, the one in its elaborate form and the other in the everyday one. Cancik , p. Hence Octavianus took the title princeps. Because Divus Iulius was his cult-name it would be conceivable that we should assume Diuus Iulius as the starting point for the short name Jesus instead of Gaius Iulius. Remarkably—in this case also, the short form would be Jesus.

That this rule was valid also later can be seen in the evolution of diurnus which led to the French jour and to the Italian giorno. So Diuus at first becomes Iuus. The intermediate stage would be Iuus-jus. Octavius Thurinus had taken the name of his adoptive father and he was called Gaius Iulius Caesar Cai filius Octavianus from then on. The equality of names proved itself to be a political trump. His opponents like Antonius denigrated him as Octavianus, sometimes Thurinus as well. Today he is called mostly by his later title of honor: Augustus.

But because Caesar was also son of God as descendant of Venus there was practically no possibility of distinguishing them. Coincidentally we also arrive at the short name Jesus when we use Divi Filius as the starting point instead of Caius Iulius or Divus Iulius. Diuus becomes Iuus, as we have seen before, Filius to fius disappearance of the unaccentuated syllable. All Roman roads lead inevitably to Jesus. Vancouver: UBC Press. Bustamante, Tirza Rivera comp. Un enfoque ampliado con los casos de Chile y Estados Unidos. Cardinal, Monique C. New York: Oxford University Press.

Dinovitzer, Ronit; Garth, Bryant G. Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs , Women in Law. Champaign: University of Illinois Press. Commissioner for Judicial Appointments for Northern Ireland. Gastron, Andrea , Situacion actual de la mujer en el poder judicial srgentino. Buenos Aires: 1er. Premio Coca-Cola en las Artes y las Ciencias. Gastron, Andrea L. Melbourne , Australia. Hull, Kathleen E.

Heinz; Robert L. Nelson; Rebecca L. Sandefur; Edward O. Laumann comps. Oxford: Hart Publishing. O xford: Hart Publishing, Kenney, Sally J. New York and Oxon: Routledge. Miradas y protagonistas. Argentina: Ad Hoc. Lempert, Richard O. New York: Tavistock Publications. Chatswood: LexisNexis. Oxford: Hart Publishing , Abel; Philip S. Lewis comps. Berkeley: University of California Press, Messick, Richard E.

Keister comp. New York: Basic Books. Russell, Peter H. Kritzer comps. Oxford: Oxford University Press , New York: Free Press. Oxford: Hart Publishing, xxv-lxii. Schultz, Ulrike; Shaw, Gisela comps. New York: National University Publications. Hampshire: Dartmouth Publishing Company. Unpublished manuscript, Consultado el Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Las encuestas fueron realizadas usando cuestionarios de vuelta por correo. La encuesta fue impresa en un folleto con una cubierta de color azul muy brillante para distinguirla de la encuesta de los magistrados. La Encuesta Nacional de Magistrados Australianos fue enviada a todos los magistrados en toda Australia a finales de mayo La encuesta fue impreso en un folleto con una cubierta de color naranja fuerte para distinguirla de la encuesta previa de magistrados en y de la encuesta de jueces.

Agradecemos los valiosos comentarios recibidos de los participantes en estas actividades. Ello se reflejado en el sistema judicial, dividido en cortes nacionales y, un sistema de cortes para cada estado y los dos territorios operando separadamente. Cada estado o territorio australiano tiene magistrados o justicia local y un Tribunal Supremo. Las apelaciones a las Cortes Supremas normalmente son juzgados por un panel de tres jueces. Hay aproximadamente jueces en las Cortes del Commonwealth, jueces de estados y territorios, y magistrados, totalizando funcionarios judiciales, organizados dentro de 25 cortes diferentes. Sin embargo, es importante notar que otorgar valores de esta manera puede enmascarar otros resultados.

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