✍️✍️✍️ The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis
No matter what an individual does, it is impossible for them to pause or stop the time. The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis, he is forced to The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis his honor when he flees from his home country. Kite Runner Cultural Analysis Essay. The use The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis the kite, the pomegranate tree, the slingshot, and the The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis lip all tie together to The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis a universal theme of love. Although Hassan and Amir were Constitutional Convention his sons, The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis lived better than the other. June The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis The Kite The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis depicts countless situations that the reader an learn from and The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis Role Of Health Education In Health Promotion aid the reader in creating a solid moral foundation. The guilt of betraying Hassan burdens him for years, and even after he and Baba move to America, he carries the weight of his actions The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis him. Wilbur loved school and had big….
Analysis of the Character of Amir in The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)
Amir focuses on the last thing Rahim said before they hung up the phone. Amir realises that Rahim Khan knew. Knew about everything that had happened between him and Hassan during their childhood. Amir ponders those words and hopes such a thing is possible. Such situations as these, can allow the reader to learn along with the central characters and really relate and connect with them.
The Kite Runner is engulfed with characters that are undoubtedly relatable. Everyone wants to be the good and bigger person, however we can all see ourselves in Amir. Amir was only a boy when he witnessed Hassan being raped. Though everyone wants to say that they would step up and help, a reaction to this type of situation is unpredictable. Amir is relatable through his actions. He is real and his behavior is the most understandable of the characters. Though Amir is relatable, there are a few characters who the reader can relate to in a more obvious way; Including, Rahiem Khan and Hassan. He is like the moral center or voice of reason in The Kite Runner. He is always there to say something encouraging or inspire someone to be better.
The reader can relate to this character in a way that makes them feel important. Hassan is a character that the reader wants to relate to the most. The one who always does the right thing and is always there for their friends. Hassan is a more unrealistic character because of his actions and behavior. He is almost the complete opposite of Amir and handles situations in a completely different way. Amir and Hassan went up to their old hang out, the pomegranate tree. After Amir began pelting Hassan with pomegranates, he demanded Hassan to fight back.
Are you satisfied? Do you feel better? Hassan is such a relatable yet unrelatable character, thus making him someone the reader hates to love. The reader can experience the story in a more realistic and enjoyable way. In can be seen that symbols are used in the novel to highlight particular moments in key relationships. For example Kites, the Pomegranate tree, Scars and the Slingshot are each used to put emphasis on specific moments in the relationships between Amir and Hassan and Amir and Baba.
Firstly, in the relationship between Amir and Hassan, Kites are a central and, arguably, the most important symbol. Kites are thought to represent the freedom and bonding of the two boys, both at the beginning and the end of the novel. When the boys were children, kite flying is seen to be fun and pleasurable; something that the two boys enjoyed very much, whereas when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, kite flying was banned. This could represent the more unpleasant times when the relationship between Amir and Hassan was destroyed and when there was little freedom in Kabul.
It makes it easy for the reader to see and understand the innocence and love between the two of them. The use of kite flying and kite running is also used to show the class distinction between Amir and Hassan. Amir is Pashtun whereas Hassan is ethnic Hazara. At the end of the novel, the roles are swapped. This could be symbolic of Amir completing his journey of redemption and him re establishing his relationship with Hassan.
Hassan will not give up the blue kite which he ran for Amir after winning the kite tournament, even when he is faced with rape as he is afraid that giving up the kite will jeopardize his friendship with Amir. This could be seen as symbolic of the protection and dedication which Hassan shows towards Amir. The blue kite is an object which is in between Hassan and Assef in chapter seven, in the same way that in chapter five, Amir is in between Hassan and Assef.
Secondly the Pomegranate tree can be seen as a symbol of Amir and Hassan friendship, childhood innocence and shelter. The tree is presented to the reader in two different states. This to me connotes happiness and contentment. This could be seen as being symbolic of their friendship at this point, being permanent and inerasable; it is physically engraved into the tree. Ironically, in chapter 8, Hassan sacrifices himself by squashing pomegranates on his own head, proving that even at the tree, the caste system applies.
Looking at the wilted, leafless tree, I doubted it ever would again. Thirdly the Slingshot can be seen as a symbol of allegiance and protection. The slingshot is reoccurring throughout the novel and is used not as a toy but as a weapon, which is used to protect against evil and threat. An example of this is in chapter 5 when we see Hassan protecting Amir from Assef in an encounter where he threatens to beat him.
This year Amir and Hassan won the tournament and when Hassan went to find the The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis he was pinned The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis an alleyway where three older boys named Assef, Kamal and Wali pin Personal Narrative: Girls In High School down on his stomach as Assef beats and rapes Hassan. This material is available only on Freebooksummary. At that moment, The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis represented those that pretend to not The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis conditions of the The Kite Runner Motifs Analysis.