⌚ Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge

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Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge

Neutral No Longer : Essay On Fingerprint Development. Increased population-per-empty province limit for nomads. Everyone benefits from this replacement, Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge his gang Short Essay On Snowman now make more money thanks to Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge head for business. The combination of the boyfriend's curses, Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge Cruel and Unusual Deathand the Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge the rats carried which is a long story in itself turned the young woman's spirit into The Ku Klux Klan In The Civil Rights Age Pesta—a Plague Maiden that cursed the entire island. Arbitrary Skepticism : Geralt teases a merchant who put out a contract for an imp.

The Medieval City: Brugge, Belgium

La scrittura, un sistema di segni durevoli che permette di trasmettere e conservare le informazioni, ha cominciato a svilupparsi tra il VII e il IV millennio a. Quando i sistemi di scrittura vennero inventati, furono utilizzati quei materiali che permettevano la registrazione di informazioni sotto forma scritta: pietra , argilla , corteccia d'albero, lamiere di metallo. La scrittura alfabetica emerse in Egitto circa 5. Gli antichi Egizi erano soliti scrivere sul papiro , una pianta coltivata lungo il fiume Nilo.

Inizialmente i termini non erano separati l'uno dall'altro scriptura continua e non c'era punteggiatura. I testi venivano scritti da destra a sinistra, da sinistra a destra, e anche in modo che le linee alternate si leggessero in direzioni opposte. Le tavolette di cera erano assicelle di legno ricoperte da uno strato abbastanza spesso di cera che veniva incisa da uno stilo. Avevano il vantaggio di essere riutilizzabili: la cera poteva essere fusa e riformare una "pagina bianca". Erano utilizzate anche le cortecce di albero, come per esempio quelle della Tilia , e altri materiali consimili. La parola greca per papiro come materiale di scrittura biblion e libro biblos proviene dal porto fenicio di Biblo , da dove si esportava il papiro verso la Grecia.

Tomus fu usato dai latini con lo stesso significato di volumen vedi sotto anche la spiegazione di Isidoro di Siviglia. Che fossero fatti di papiro, pergamena o carta, i rotoli furono la forma libraria dominante della cultura ellenistica , romana , cinese ed ebraica. Gli autori cristiani potrebbero anche aver voluto distinguere i loro scritti dai testi pagani scritti su rotoli. La storia del libro continua a svilupparsi con la graduale transizione dal rotolo al codex , spostandosi dal Vicino Oriente del II - II millennio a.

Fino al II secolo d. All'arrivo del Medioevo , circa mezzo millennio dopo, i codici - di foggia e costruzione in tutto simili al libro moderno - rimpiazzarono il rotolo e furono composti principalmente di pergamena. Quattro son troppi? Anche nei suoi distici, Marziale continua a citare il codex: un anno prima del suddetto, una raccolta di distici viene pubblicata con lo scopo di accompagnare donativi. Questa mole composta da numerosi fogli contiene quindici libri poetici del Nasone». Dal II secolo a. Nel mondo antico non godette di molta fortuna a causa del prezzo elevato rispetto a quello del papiro.

Il libro in forma di rotolo consisteva in fogli preparati da fibre di papiro phylire disposte in uno strato orizzontale lo strato che poi riceveva la scrittura sovrapposto ad uno strato verticale la faccia opposta. La scrittura era effettuata su colonne, generalmente sul lato del papiro che presentava le fibre orizzontali. Non si hanno molte testimonianze sui rotoli di pergamena tuttavia la loro forma era simile a quella dei libri in papiro. Gli inchiostri neri utilizzati erano a base di nerofumo e gomma arabica. Dal II secolo d. La vecchia forma libraria a rotolo scompare in ambito librario. In forma notevolmente differente permane invece in ambito archivistico.

Questo mezzo, permettendo l'accelerazione della produzione delle copie di testi contribuisce alla diffusione del libro e della cultura. Altri suoi distici rivelano che tra i regali fatti da Marziale c'erano copie di Virgilio , di Cicerone e Livio. Le parole di Marziale danno la distinta impressione che tali edizioni fossero qualcosa di recentemente introdotto. Sono stati rinvenuti "taccuini" contenenti fino a dieci tavolette. Nel tempo, furono anche disponibili modelli di lusso fatti con tavolette di avorio invece che di legno.

Ai romani va il merito di aver compiuto questo passo essenziale, e devono averlo fatto alcuni decenni prima della fine del I secolo d. Il grande vantaggio che offrivano rispetto ai rolli era la capienza, vantaggio che sorgeva dal fatto che la facciata esterna del rotolo era lasciata in bianco, vuota. Il codice invece aveva scritte entrambe le facciate di ogni pagina, come in un libro moderno. La prima pagina porta il volto del poeta. I codici di cui parlava erano fatti di pergamena ; nei distici che accompagnavano il regalo di una copia di Omero , per esempio, Marziale la descrive come fatta di "cuoio con molte pieghe".

Ma copie erano anche fatte di fogli di papiro. Quando i greci ed i romani disponevano solo del rotolo per scrivere libri, si preferiva usare il papiro piuttosto che la pergamena. I ritrovamenti egiziani ci permettono di tracciare il graduale rimpiazzo del rotolo da parte del codice. Fece la sua comparsa in Egitto non molto dopo il tempo di Marziale, nel II secolo d. Il suo debutto fu modesto. A tutt'oggi sono stati rinvenuti 1.

Verso il d. I ritrovamenti egiziani gettano luce anche sulla transizione del codex dal papiro alla pergamena. Sebbene gli undici codici della Bibbia datati in quel secolo fossero papiracei, esistono circa 18 codici dello stesso secolo con scritti pagani e quattro di questi sono in pergamena. Non ne scegliemmo alcuno, ma ne raccogliemmo altri otto per i quali gli diedi dracme in conto.

Il codex tanto apprezzato da Marziale aveva quindi fatto molta strada da Roma. Nel terzo secolo, quando tali codici divennero alquanto diffusi, quelli di pergamena iniziarono ad essere popolari. In breve, anche in Egitto , la fonte mondiale del papiro , il codice di pergamena occupava una notevole quota di mercato. Sono tutti di pergamena, edizioni eleganti, scritti in elaborata calligrafia su sottili fogli di pergamena. Per tali edizioni di lusso il papiro era certamente inadatto. In almeno un'area, la giurisprudenza romana , il codex di pergamena veniva prodotto sia in edizioni economiche che in quelle di lusso. La caduta dell'Impero romano nel V secolo d.

Il papiro divenne difficile da reperire a causa della mancanza di contatti con l' Antico Egitto e la pergamena , che per secoli era stata tenuta in secondo piano, divenne il materiale di scrittura principale. I monasteri continuarono la tradizione scritturale latina dell' Impero romano d'Occidente. La tradizione e lo stile dell' Impero romano predominavano ancora, ma gradualmente emerse la cultura del libro medievale. I monaci irlandesi introdussero la spaziatura tra le parole nel VII secolo. L'innovazione fu poi adottata anche nei Paesi neolatini come l'Italia , anche se non divenne comune prima del XII secolo. Si ritiene che l'inserimento di spazi tra le parole abbia favorito il passaggio dalla lettura semi-vocalizzata a quella silenziosa.

Prima dell'invenzione e della diffusione del torchio tipografico , quasi tutti i libri venivano copiati a mano, il che li rendeva costosi e relativamente rari. Arbitrary Skepticism : Geralt teases a merchant who put out a contract for an imp. This is despite the fact that there are creatures in the setting, such as godlings, who are known to behave like imps. Turns out it was actually a doppler. Given they're all Les Collaborateurs and Dangerous Deserter types, this is to be expected. In the letter, the writer says that he drank his own urine for a few days, but he stopped producing it eventually. In reality, whether or not it's a good idea to drink urine, the human body will continue to urinate, even when a person has gone a full week without water as long as they are still alive, of course.

Ascended Glitch : Roach's strange habits when summoned are referenced in one of the quest of Blood and Wine. Roach's ability to spawn in unreachable places like atop houses , has been acknowledged to the point where it's her actual image in the Gwent card game. Ask a Stupid Question Geralt : Are you the silent druid? Beat Oh yeah. Dumb question. Bloody Baron : That child had been my dream. I told Anna, "A little one, our little one, to make things right. Dandelion : The woman had the necessary qualities. From her father she'd inherited an empress's political instincts.

From Geralt she had gained a sense of simple, human decency. Few monarchs boast both traits - which is quite a shame Yennefer: But I still feel the same, you should too, I don't understand What does this mean? Geralt: Means the djinn granted your wish Game-Breaking Bug : A rather notable one occurred during the final boss fight. You would follow the enemy back through a portal You'd then lose the fight as you can't see Geralt at all and have to start all over again. It was particularly frustrating right at the climax of the game. Thankfully it could be fixed by manually changing the objective in the quest menu right before teleporting. Gameplay and Story Integration : In-Universe even, the quality of Gwent Spy cards note which give a number of points to the enemy in exchange for drawing two cards, so the fewer points they have, the better they are largely reflect their prowess in espionage as well.

Stefan Skellen's claim to fame was being hanged for treason and is the worst 9 ; Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen pranced around the North like a peacock being Obviously Evil and fooled no one as to his true intentions 7 ; Stennis is all but stated to be behind Saskia's poisoning, but the evidence of the crime wasn't enough to properly convict him 5 ; Vattier de Rideaux and Sigismund Dijkstra are relatively successful heads of intelligence for Nilfgaard and Redania respectively 4 ; and Thaler is arguably the best spy in the game who excels at Hiding in Plain Sight and once converted three trolls to his cause and is thus the a top-tier spy in Gwent as well 1.

The character is shifty from the start, has a secret nobody knows, and evidence mounts at the end implying he may usurp Eredin's position as the Big Bad. At the moment of truth however, Ciri reveals that he is unambiguously on her side and like her, is looking to stop the White Frost permanently. The reason that is given in-story as to why all the Grandmaster witcher set diagrams are in Toussaint is because witchers would bring the diagrams to the grandmaster armorer there and then get themselves killed pursuing dangerous monsters to afford the extreme costs of these armors. This is represented in game, as upgrading one armor set from master to grandmaster can cost upwards of 20, crowns, more than the entire refit and upgrade of your vineyard.

Gameplay and Story Segregation : In the first game, Geralt had amnesia and many of his previous skills had atrophied. This was used to justify his level-grinding to higher levels. The second game had a somewhat organic feel because everything was scaled to your level. The third game dispenses with this and just places high-level monsters all over the place which Geralt must avoid til later levels. Given he is, at this point, the greatest warrior on his world and has all of his memories back, this is just plain weird. This can apply to all three games but, in the story of the books, monsters are becoming less and less common in the Witcher's world, making Witchers less and less necessary.

Yet the game series portrays a world absolutely brimming with monstrous creatures. Justified, as one of the main reason that monsters are rare is because walled cities and large armies can easily deal with external threats and drive back the monsters. With the war ravaging the countryside, large armies being focused on the battlefield instead of protecting the local populations, the monsters are making a comeback. Notably, throughout the games, one of the most common monsters types are necrophages, which thrive in the war situation that is tearing through the North. Story-wise, Geralt and the other witchers are supposed to be quite poor given that most of what they earn killing monsters has to be spent on accommodation and preparing potions and such for the next fight.

In spite of this, Geralt can easily earn thousands of crowns in the course of the game and have little to spend it on other than improved gear. The economy apparently only works this way for Geralt: Gaetan the Cat School Witcher reveals that he was offered 12 crowns for a leshen contract, which barely covered the cost of the potions he used in the fight. Geralt is routinely offered ten times that for a contract, plus a bit more if he haggles, and can easily earn far more than 12 crowns by killing a group of low-level bandits, looting their cheap gear and sell it to a merchant or simply picking herbs and berries for potions in the woods and selling them to an alchemist.

There is also the fact Geralt doesn't have to eat or pay any sort of fees for renting a place to sleep or sleep at all or for Roach's fodder, thus cutting off the regular Witcher expenditures. Story Geralt despises thieves and there are numerous occasions where the player can choose to kill a thief or group of thieves. Gameplay Geralt will loot the houses of the poorest peasants, the docks of every major city, brothels, banks, herbalists, blacksmiths, army headquarters, and multiple ruler's castles, stealing everything he can get his hands on.

There is one mission in the Blood and Wine expansion where Geralt can grave rob an entire crypt worth of loot, while also taking the time to murder a couple groups of grave robbers after insulting them for being grave robbers. It's even lampshaded by the game during which an NPC inquires about Geralt's sudden wealth and asks if he's ever gone through other people's belongings. To which the player can respond " Never in my life ". Rescuing Ves at Mulbrydale requires you to slaughter Nilfgaardian soldiers, but in the ensuing cutscene and afterwards once you're done you'll see Nilfgaardians just standing around totally cool with you having just killed their comrades.

In a related note, the "Abandoned Location" quests require you to clear the area of enemies monsters or bandits usually so the populace can return. However the cutscene showing people moving back triggers as soon as you hit the final blow on the last enemy. Which has the bizarre situation where people are moving about their day and children are playing on top of bloody dismembered corpses and monster entrails scattered all over the place. Thankfully this was fixed in Toussaint and in an unexpected Gameplay and Story Integration feature, a cutscene reloads the map after these areas are cleared, showing time passing by and later villagers are shown restoring the damaged buildings, corpses being loaded onto a wagon, with people understandably crying over them, at least one vendor NPC will always effusively thank Geralt for helping them and other realistic touches to make the transition less jarring.

Due to the Beef Gate method mentioned before of just raising the level of enemies to keep you away from certain areas it can be pretty jarring to find random mooks so ridiculously overpowered they could destroy early game bosses with no trouble. It's somewhat hilarious when during one of the Hearts of Stone quests you find an elderly couple who claim they can't fend for themselves or hunt for food, yet they're both lvl 32 and will wreck you in 2 hits if you're not properly geared and close to their level. Even more egregious is the fact that, random wolves roaming around Toussaint in packs of are lvl 35 , that's the same level as the end game bosses and even the Bonus Boss creatures of the main game. All that the world really needs to stop the Wild Hunt are a pack of wolves and an elderly couple armed with kitchen knives.

Gang of Hats : In addition to countless generic bandits, the Novigrad underworld is run by the Big Four, four mob bosses whose gangs have hats of ranging gimmicks. Francis Bedlam is a self-styled King of Beggars who leads a conventional Thieves' Guild though that term isn't used common in fantasy works. Count Sigi Reuven is the former Redanian Spymaster who used his massive network of contacts and informants to build a new life as a mob boss , he runs a bathhouse which caters to Novigrad's wealthy and doubles as a meeting place for the Big Four.

Cleaver is a dwarf who says his main business is "entertainment," all members of his gang are fellow dwarves who wear bandanas with the gang's symbol on them. It's possible they were inspired by Dragon Age's Carta. Whoreson Junior 's gang is by far the most gimmick filled, most of his mooks dress like jesters and harlequins and are covered in tattoos. Gargle Blaster : White Gull is enough of one, being a mixture of Mandrake Cordial, Cherry Cordial, Redanian Herbal and Arenaria normally used as a base for powerful alchemical concoctions. However, special mention goes to The Gauntlet, a cocktail Lambert mixes up during the Witchers' reunion at Kaer Morhen, which contains equal portions White Gull and Dwarven Spirit another alchemical base.

Witchers have higher alcohol tolerance than normal humans, but after knocking back just a few these monsters all three of them soon become thoroughly sloshed. Needless to say, it's hilarious. Edda : Rose, I had the best of intentions , you know that! I felt you needed help taking the first step You blushed every time [Dandelion] sang a ballad. Rose : He'll next sing at your funeral if you don't stop it right now! Geralt: There's nothing behind me. I'm a Witcher, I'd have heard it. Just like I can hear your heart. Which is pounding Made of Plasticine : Some of the synced kill animations on humanoids look like this. Most make sense, dismembering across bone joints elbows, knees, necks , but the most egregious case is slashing diagonally across the torso, across the entire rib cage like the victim's body was made of plasticine.

Magi Babble : Oftentimes in the presence of certain sorceresses. Magikarp Power : It really takes a while for an Alchemy-heavy skill build to begin paying off due to spending time hunting recipes and ingredients for various items, but between the vast bonuses given by potions, decoctions and oils, along with huge boosts to survivability, it's alarmingly potent and many Death March players swear by it.

Male Gaze : The camera has a tendency to linger on female rears during cutscenes, like here. Meaningful Funeral : The fellowship holds one for Vesemir. Mercy Kill : If Sile de Tansarville was allowed to survive the end of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings , she is found with some of her fellow sorceresses in a Novigrad prison in really bad shape. Geralt can offer her one final mercy. Mirror Match : Janne, a doppler a merchant puts a contract on, will transform into Geralt and will use his techniques, sign and all, at one point during his fight.

Mistaken for Gay : Elihal, one of Dandelion's acquaintances, mostly due to his penchant for cross dressing. In fact, Dandelion once tried to hit on him when he was drunk, and writes about him with an intriguingly wistful fondness. Moment of Silence : When Geralt finally finds Ciri on the Isle of Mists, she appears dead, and Geralt breaks down in grief without a sound. Note that in a digitally generated medium, this isn't a case of removing sound but of deliberately adding none except for music. Monster Clown : Whoreson Junior's henchmen, one of the nastiest gangs in Novigrad, have clown costumes for uniforms. Mood Whiplash : The lighthearted quest of helping Dandelion start up a cabaret turns dark when his friend and first serious love interest Priscilla is brutally assaulted and forced to drink pure formaldehyde.

Although she survives at the temporary cost of her voice, it turns out that the attacker is a serial killer who has brutally tortured and murdered a large number of people over the years, and it's up to Geralt to stop the killing spree. Made worse for the player by having Priscilla being a vivacious, engaging character in several previous quests, triggering Videogame Caring Potential in the player. A standard treasure-quest side mission, "Black Pearl", sees Geralt helping a middle-aged man apparently try to save his love life by finding a rare pearl for his beloved.

The mission ends when Geralt catches up to the man later, only for the man to sadly explain that the pearl gambit failed, due to his wife experiencing what the real world calls Alzheimer disease. Due to the game's Wide-Open Sandbox nature, it's possible to go straight from a dark and serious quest to a comical one - or even interrupt one quest for the other. Moral Myopia : Defied by Geralt, in keeping with his previous characterization.

In the first game, when asked why he's missing his silver blade by Shani, who says that "One is for monsters and one is for humans", Geralt corrects her. Both are for monsters. In the 'Killing Monsters' trailer, he beheads a supernatural beast for slaying the innocent for food, and then murders his human employers for trying to murder an innocent woman themselves. Uncommonly presented in 'Carnal Sins' quest, that introduces a serial killer who commits elaborate murders to show people the errors of sinful life and make them accept the Eternal Fire. As it turns out, the killer is a vampire, a supernatural creature, whose mere existence is an abomination in the eyes of the Church of Eternal Fire.

One of the scavenger sidequests involves the aftermath of a group of knights who chased a Witcher around Skellige to make him answer for his crimes. During the course of their pursuit, they burn entire villages to the ground, kill anyone who gets in their way, and overall punish anyone who aided him in the slightest. The Witcher's crime? A duchess asked him to assassinate her father, and he politely refused. Zigzagged by vampires. On more than one occasion, vampires flatly state they that they do not care for human suffering or lives , and ask if a human cares about the suffering of insects, rats or livestock.

If Geralt or another human states that there's a difference, the vampire denies this. Regis and Dettlaff greatly abhor killing mortals themselves, but Regis admits they both had to learn how to come to this viewpoint. On the other hand, though, they consider the deaths or murder of their own kind to be heinous offenses. While they're typically just annoyed or amused if a mortal destroys a higher vampire, due to their Resurrective Immortality , they become furious when the death is permanent. Dettlaff admonishes Geralt for killing a bruxa he was friends with, and Regis is driven out of Toussaint if he permanently killed Dettlaff. Moral Sociopathy : When Geralt asks Regis how he feels about living in their world, Regis's answer sounds very much along the lines of this trope.

Regis asks Geralt to think of the most uncomfortable not painful or traumatic experience he's ever had to do, and Geralt mentions banquets and formal occasions where he has to look and act like someone he's not. Regis nods and says that living in the world of humans is like that, except when you scratch your ass, burp, or otherwise act like yourself, people scream and call you a monster.

Morton's Fork : In White Orchard you come across a woman that had been attacked by the griffin. She will die unless you give her a Swallow potion to give her a chance to live. Geralt explicitly says that she might die a slow painful death if he gives it to her and the journal says so as well. While she does live if you give her the potion, her mind was destroyed by it. Mundane Utility : Signs can have some non-combat uses. Aard can be used to batter down a flimsy door or boarded up passage, or snuff a candle. Igni can be used to torch a bee swarm to get at its hive, or set alight a corpse pile, or light a candle or brazier. Axii can be used to calm a spooked horse, or as a Jedi Mind Trick. You simply need to frob a candle or brazier for Geralt to make the sign gesture without even expending stamina to cast to light or snuff it.

Multiple Endings : There are three major endings which determine the shape of your final quest, Something Ends, Something Begins. The three major endings are as follows: Ciri dies as far as Geralt knows , causing Geralt to become a Death Seeker and go for one final quest to retrieve Ciri's wolf medallion, dying himself in the process probably. Ciri becomes the Empress of Nilfgaard, planning to change things for the better, but potentially never seeing Geralt again. Or Ciri becomes a Witcher, finding happiness in walking the Witcher's Path.

Geralt passes on every skill he knows and she becomes famous through the land. Added to that, the ending differs based on your choices during major political questlines of the game. Variables include who rules over the North, whether Emhyr is alive, who reigns in Skellige, and whether Geralt settled down with Triss, Yennefer, or walked alone. Murder Into Malevolence : One quest takes protagonist Geralt to a cursed and haunted island, where he finds the ghost of a young woman pleading to help her spirit leave the island.

It turns out that she's a nobleman's daughter and, during a peasant uprising, her entire family was slaughtered and the invaders had planned to rape and murder her. Instead, she drank a sleeping potion which put her in a death-like state that fooled everyone Eventually, everyone DID die and she was stuck in her fake death, unable to move as the rats in the tower ate her warm body alive. The combination of the boyfriend's curses, her Cruel and Unusual Death , and the plague the rats carried which is a long story in itself turned the young woman's spirit into a Pesta—a Plague Maiden that cursed the entire island.

A Baron and his wife were in an unhappy marriage where he beat her constantly and she found herself pregnant with a child she didn't want. The wife was eventually visited by three evil witch spirits who offered to get rid of the unborn child if the wife agreed to serve them for a year. She agreed, and not long afterwards, her husband beat her so badly that she miscarried.

The wife and her other daughter decided to escape from the Baron that night and left the dead fetus on the bed. The Baron found his dead child and, in his grief, buried it in an unmarked grave without giving it a name. The dead child transformed into a Botchling—a malevolent and murderous spirit created from babies that died unwanted or unloved. Murder the Hypotenuse : In the quest "Wild at Heart", you learn that a hunter's wife, Hanna, was murdered by her own sister, who had been secretly in love with her brother-in-law.

She did this by discovering said brother-in-law was a werewolf and leading Hanna into his lair. The sister swears that this was only meant to scare Hanna off so that she could take her husband, but the hunter doesn't care and will kill the sister if Geralt doesn't step in. To boot, even if it was an accident, the sister showed no remorse or mourning for her sister's death and had every intention of Romancing the Widower now that she had the chance. Mustache Vandalism : Yen does this to a painting of Avallac'h in his secret lab should you choose to trash the room with Ciri.

He realizes the villagers were distrustful of him before, but because of his open support of Nilfgaard and handing over one of them to be hanged they now despise him. Geralt advises him to leave with the Nilfgaardians if they depart. Nerf : The Combat Ability "Whirl" causes Geralt to slash in every direction for as long as he has stamina and adrenaline. The Ekhidna decoction heals Geralt every time he uses up stamina. These 2 unfortunately don't work together. The Alchemy skill "Acquired Tolerance" increases your toxicity by 1 for every known alchemical formula. For some reason, the devs saw fit to exclude dye formulas 12 in total from being counted.

Neutral No Longer : Averted. The game restores the option for Geralt to remain apolitical in the struggle between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms. Notably, Vesemir doesn't agree and is thoroughly Northern. Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight : In the aftermath of Radovid's murder when Roche, Ves, and Thaler reveal their secret agreement with Emhyr, after the fight is over you can loot the bodies of everyone who died in the brawl and everyone will be carrying a weapon of some kind.

If you loot Dijkstra's corpse you'll see that the only thing in his pockets he could have used to defend himself with was a chicken leg. Even more egregious since he is the one that called the attack. Additionally, the levels of items and enemies are scaled according to the imported player level. Nice Job Fixing It, Villain! Later, Geralt has the option to pass this information on to Dijkstra, which gives the former spymaster incentive to call off the arrangement he's made with the emperor and prolong the war against Nilfgaard. This leads to the eventual defeat of the empire and Emhyr's assassination. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished : Skjall saves a cute girl he found while fishing on his boat and later heroically tries to defend her from the Wild Hunt, and leads them away from his village.

His reward? His clan believes he fled the battle and left his people to die, so he is dishonored, banished from his home, stripped of his name, only refered to as "Craven" by everyone who knew him. Later, trying to clear his name, he ends up mauled by a werewolf and left to rot; he's found by Geralt and Yennefer, who proceed to use necromancy to get the full story of what happened out of him causing him excruciating pain in the process. To add insult to injury, if you agree to Ciri's wish and visit his grave, you'll find that when the priestesses found his body in Freya's garden, they dumped it into a ditch with no proper burial.

It's not until Ciri and Geralt set the record straight on what happened that he finally gets some respect back. If, during King's Gambit, you help Cerys and expose Birna, she'll only be arrested because her son Svanrige realizes the truth and exposes her. But because of the dishonor Birna brought upon the family name, he'll either have to be killed or exiled. If you choose to help Triss get all the mages to escape Novigrad, the witch hunters will target the non-humans to be burned at stake instead. In the Bloody Baron story arc, if you free the forest spirit, he will make sure the orphans get saved from the crones. However the crones will transform Anna into a hideous monster. When Geralt tries to undo the curse, Anna will die whether or not he succeeds.

The Baron is then Driven to Suicide afterwards. Conversely, not freeing the forest spirit dooms the orphans to be eaten by the crones, but it will save Anna and also prevent the Baron from killing himself, although both leave the game world as a result. Seeing what Whoreson Junior had done to the whores that were brought to him, on top of roughing up his friend Dudu the doppler, and trying to kill Ciri, pushes him over the edge, and he makes the target of his rage feel it before calming down.

The Nothing After Death : Several quests that deal with ghosts, corpses or spirits brought back to the living world indicate that this may be how death works. Several times, they express little or no knowledge of what transpires outside of their tombs or graves, and often refer to resurrection as "waking up". Aside from Ulle the Unlucky hearing cheers and voices calling to him as he fades away, no hints or details of any sort of afterlife are ever given.

Mind you, Yennifer believes this but also believes ghosts are merely echoes of the dead despite being obviously wrong. Notice This : Lootable objects can be highlighted using the witcher sense. Geralt has numerous dialogue opportunities to express his indifference about whoever wins the war between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms. This would be Out of Character if not for the thoroughly reprehensible behavior of the Northern monarchs during the second game. Can be Averted if Geralt aids either the Rebels or Nilfgaard.

The latter, however, comes with heavy sarcasm. His helping of Dijkstra and the Temerian Resistance plot the assassination of Radovid comes down to the fact that Radovid's anti-magic campaign threatens Yennefer and Triss, people Geralt cares for immensely as Dijkstra flatly points out when laying out his plans. His optional abandonment of Vernon Roche's partisans to his fate, is also understandable because Geralt no longer has any stake in Temerian independence. Him sticking to that cause is solely to defend his friends, rather than fight for their cause. If Keira is convinced to move to Kaer Morhen, she helps during the attack of the Wild Hunt, however when Geralt goes to thank her during Vesemir's funeral for her help she flat out states that she did it out of pure self preservation and some gratitude over Geralt's help in the past, but unlike everyone else there she never agreed to any of it and is leaving with Lambert as soon as he's ready for travel.

Not Quite the Right Thing : One scenario has Geralt offered a bribe by an arsonist not to turn him in. The arsonist committed the act while drunk out of the belief the dwarf was willingly aiding the Nifgaardians. If you turn down the bribe, the dwarf hands him over the Nilfgaardians to be hanged and then says he'll be supporting them for real now. Devil worshiper society for Celtic Pagans. Devil worshiper society for Zoroastrians. Found devil worshiper society decision if society has no members. Common devil worshiper requirements change to require both vice and impious traits. However characters who are either lunatic or possessed don't require anything else. Secret religious cults for all Plus religions. Prepare ground decision can only be taken for provinces that border a county that already openly has targeted religion or has secret community of the targeted secret religion.

Character can now prepare grounds only in one province at a time. Instead they are 'discovered' as the child grows up by others. This functionality can be disabled with the "Hidden Traits" game rule if desired. The Homosexual trait is no longer visible by default, except to the character itself. It can be discovered when a character's same-sex affair is revealed via the Intrigue focus Spy On action from Way of Life, or various other means. Amber Road has been expanded to also encompass trade along the Volga. Trans-saharan trade routes have been added.

Regnal names for Byzantine Coronation. Regnal Name event chain allows selection of a dynastic traditional name. Bookmark - Kingdom of Portugal Male Norman regnal names. Help I'm trapped in these change notes! Begin Pillage decision - Player only decision which continously pillages targeted settlement owned by the player. This can be stopped with the Stop Pillage decision. This will eventually destroy all buildings in the holding, but the holding itself will not be destroyed. Longevity hidden trait, this trait adds health and should increase average life span of characters who have it. Buildings from Conclave content pack submod added. Thanks to Swampos Imperial Decadence, if relevant, now viewable in the hover character tooltip.

Players are able to block carousing invites for 5 years Nowruz Celebration decision for Iranians and Zoroastrians. Prune Family Tree targeted decision - removes childless dead characters from targeted character's family tree. Added Cumbrian, and Galatian cultures to maps where applicable. Culture groups 'Berber' and 'Moorish' added and cultures added where appropriate. Added Dalmatian culture an Italian - South Slavic melting pot. Hidden traits now use the system from the 2. A character's same-sex lovers, and anyone who discovers their affair and blackmails them about it, can now see their Homosexual trait.

A guardian whose ward has come to them with questions about their sexuality can now see the ward's Homosexual trait, depending on the guardian's reaction. Greek culture will split unless it's realms are ruled by a Greek empire. This split will affect Pontic Greeks and Sicilian Greeks. Kindom of Valencia formable by characters of Catalan culture. Kingdom of Macedon, formable by Greek, Bulgarian or Albanian cultures. Titular Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein. Formable empires for new Italian cultures. After one day event will appear which can grant Aztec Empire and event troops to player. In Imperial administration all feudal rulers in the realm will be switched to Imperial Government. Decision to make title inheritable is removed. Instead, every ruler who is not de jure vassal to top liege will automatically inherit.

This also means that that Imperial government is only available to non-titular empires. There are a few exceptions to this rule. If title revokation law is active, ruler can refuse inhertaince to slow, imbecile inbred or incapable characteres. Finally, ruler can refuse inheritance to characters who are known to have comitted a crime. Sahidic Coptic culture can now appear also for Kemetic pagans. Become Nomad decision is now available to player if they're Altaic, Magyar, or a tribal next to a nomad realm. Seduction targets are no longer eligible for another seduction after "Vene, Vidi, Vici" choice. This effect lasts 90 days for player, and days for AI. Removed unused inaccurate Roman Dynasty names, replaced with similar Roman gentes family names.

Lord Spiritual will only ask to burn heretic if liege is also zealous. Yugoslavia is now an empire level title. Copts able to create Egypt. Imperial rulers are less likely to try to revoke titles after succession. Excommunicated characters are more likely to accept conversion. Changed localization of people from Faereyar to "Faroese". Troop count is halved and extra troops require higher martial. Demanding tribute from landed prisoners will force them to accept.

After this, they will go free. Prosperity events won't fire anymore if province owner doesn't have enough money. Sainthood should no longer happan for people with inappropriate nicknames. Four Plus faction moods are now shown in the faction description. Troops hired by adventurers will disband on peace. Character ID visible in the tooltip. French Empire creation requirement changed to require any other kingdom title, along with full control over France, and either Aquitaine or Lotharingia.

British Empire creation requirement changed to require any other kingdom title, along with full control over England and Scotland. They just keep going Reduced conversion rate in India two times. Fitting child focus traits are now colorblind friendly. The "good" traits are now blue with little 'spurs' sticking out of them. Added Finnish names more accurate for CK2 time period. Hedge Knights events made less annoying. Refusing them access will stop event from repeating. Marshal arresting Hedge Knight event can happen only once. Bogomilist Dukes and Kings less likely to switch to theocracy. Emperor will never switch. Irish, Cumbrian, Welsh, Breton, Cornish, Scots, and Scottish given more unique and accurate cultural names for holdings. Improved AR with "Specific" game rule.

County culture is taken into account, e. Sicily needs to be Greek or Latin not Norman to become Hellenic. Duel Engine changes: Now accounts better for various symptoms and diseases introduced in Reaper's Due. Celtic characters in battlefield duels are now more eager to collect the heads of opponents they judge worthy. Chess with death event chain will only trigger for characters older than De Jure Requirement rule is not applied to empires if Vanilla Empires rule is off.

Demon Children can no longer trigger the Sunset Invasion before it could otherwise have happened, as determined by game rules. Increased the rate that the statecraft job action affects threat decay. Mazdaki no longer have PC marriage. Mazdaki get reincarnation mechanics. Frankish rulers and provinces will convert more slowly to French. Most likely conversion time is middle of 9th century. Ruler who creates Carolingian Empire will get Aachen unless player owns Aachen. AI will then have their capital automatically set to Aachen.

Improved flag of Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Second empire destruction event will now offer to player an opportunity to give second imperial title to a vassal if both imperial titles are non-titular. Player can normaly give away the normal way, or give the title using the "Grant Imperial Title" decision. This special decision will make the second empire a tributary to player. Toned down Gallawa melting pot event speed. Will only spread easily to Pictish, Breton, Cumbrian or Cornish culture. When using Ancient Religions mercenary companies should now also convert to their culturally appropriate religion.

Successful liberation revolts should no longer usurp baronies from realms that hold territory in the target de jure kingdom but were not the target of the revolt. Zoroastrian and Celtic CoAs not rendering properly on Linux. Notification event missing for Invite Chancellor etc. Mongol invasion not triggering. Dead holder of Huntingdon in CM start. Demanding tribute from someone already at war. Courtiers going out of seclusion during an epidemic. Seduction game rule not applied for non-focus characters. More conflicting conditions in pillage settlement decisions. And going Losing kingdom title without de jure land now obeys De Jure Requirement rule.

Missing death reasons for Court Anarchy and Weak trait. Disabled low MA events in India which cause provinces and rulers to convert to religion with higher MA. Chalcedonian Pope and Patriarch Supreme losing titles if they become non-titular. Longevity trait doesn't cause error. Characters not being given Holy Grail if supernatural events rule set to "Unrestricted". Druze characters being berated for not going on Hajj. Early Karlings being French. Some custom regions lacking localisations. Can no longer hold a Sky Burial while not an adult. Characters changed to their correct Anglic English and Scots and Celtic cultures.

Characters switching to main religion under AR Specific rule. Wrong society identifier used for the satanists. Merge fault in birth events file. Adjacencies not rendering properly for Taghaza. Potentialy wrong scope in imperial decadence inheritance maintenance event. Downgrade of the trait 'Depressed' to 'Stressed' counter to the narrative in the event. Restore Zoroastrian Highpriesthood decision giving the title to non-Zoroastrians.

Vassals nomads not being able to pillage holdings they own. Hermetic gathering giving money instead of taking. Some HRE rulers being republic government type. Prisoners using WoL decisions. Some characters getting stuck "nowhere". Thanks to Zaltys Bussiness expedition gift "A dozen horses" costing less that other gifts. Leon not copying Asturia's de Jure liege when the decision is enacted Beauty contests should no longer pick winners with various new unattractive traits. Case of adventurer using province 0 as home. Despot title grantable to family members even if current purpleborn heir is not an adult.

Oxford and Lancaster not part of their roman province region. Unable to create Trollcrafters or Cold Ones cults. Courtiers not captured during siege. Some melting pot cultures spreading quicker at later dates for no real reason. Character conversion to secret religion not working. They don't do anything in plus anyway. AI will start tribute demand event with a pulsed event. Maintenance events redistributed between three always existing religious heads. Some maintenance decisions turned to pulsed events. Filtering pre-triggers checked first where applicable. Removed most triggered modifiers. Most time consuming MTTH events turned into pulsed events.

CTD on nomad succession event. Meissen-Lausitz river crossing. Patronyms for Roman cultured characters. Reformed Celtic Paganism formerly Tuatha has been renamed Gentlidecht to reflect the earliest recorded name for Celtic pagans and avoid confusion with the holding also called Tuatha. Epic hunt happening more than once. Miaphysite holy order leaders not getting random traits on creation. Seduction event chain failing for non-focus seduction. Disinhertance decision. Fixed GoPagan conversion decisions for germanic cultures added in Plus. Enabled parent-child seduction for characters who are syphilitic and, lunatic or possessed. Reformed Celtic Pagans no longer lose prestige while not at war. Egyptian and Celtic pagan priests have been given their proper titles so events will no longer list them as blank spaces.

Monetary Incentives for culture conversion event will no longer trigger if Culture Conversion law is set to None. Zoroastrian and Messallian parent-child seduction. Enforcing Ephesus should now turn Nestorian branch religion into a heresy. Corfu once-again is part of the Mediterranean Trade route. Tributary event chain being broken if attacker is already at war. Culture Conversion law is now applied to saves started before 4. Provinces with savanna terrain get proper prosperity values. The target will respond either by accepting becoming a tributary, rejecting, or offering a deal.

If they reject, the attacker can then declare Tributary War, or back out of the whole deal and lose prestige. If attacker is offered a deal bribe , they can accept the money or, again, go to war. In addition to that, using the tributary action will block tributary decision for a year, or five years in case war was won, or ten years if player chooses the backing out option. Roman province of Pannonia-Dacia Trigger Schism start decision is now a game rule. Empire Creation game rule which regulates how many kingdom titles are required to form an empire.

Options are Two and Three. Culture Conversion Law - This law controls the speed and behaviour of culture conversion. It is available to independent feudal kings and emperors. This law does not affect melting pot events. Change Province Culture ambition is not available if this law is enacted, and chance of an uprising is reduced 10 times. Passive - Default conversion settings. Active - Culture conversion is hapening at twice the rate. Chance of an uprising is increased two times. Provinces with "wrong" culture will not prosper. Medium or higher CA is required for this law.

Italy only for RE. Macedonia, Thrace and Asia for both. Shut The Gate decision only available if there is a disease in demesne counties or in neigbouring counties. Croatian priests more likely to follow Latin rites. Spy On action available to characters with the Schemer trait. Free from Captivity action available to characters with the Schemer trait. Duel action available to characters with the Duelist trait. Invite to Carousing action available to characters with Hedonist or Socialiazer traits. Aztec Emperor will get prestige on creation. He requires for the invasion CB, so this should make him invade sooner.

All empires now require a number of kingdom titles set in Empire Creation rule. Unreformed Pagans can declare holy war if they control at least 3 holy sites. Bogomilist faith staying Chalcedonian heresy after schism. Localisation for various pagan deity followers, they now use unreformed religion name. South slavic culture group missing one retinue type. Various Validator detected issues, including missing events, letter frame pictures, and a few scope fixes. Mongol Invasion happening only for "Delayed Random" rule. Lowborn bastards getting legitimized and getting a dynasty other than "None" Adventurers asking for support more than once.

Emperors losing imperial government due to inheriting feudal title only partial fix, still under investigation. Chalcedonian pope ending up with gavelkind succession. Pagan religious head titles being blocked if Start Reformed rule is used. Another case of death by snu-snu for an immortal. HRE Grand Duchies becoming de jure independent immediately after switching to kingdom variant. Peresechen being Russian before Russian melting pot event. Nomads can again destroy pillaged settlements.

Nomads who are vassals can also use pillage decision. Byzantine coronation event text not fitting window size for weak basileus only. Duchy of Armenia can no longer be used as base for a custom titular kingdom since normal kingdom title already exists. Wrong scopes in many events. Sender shown in maintenance on-action events. Tyranny is again represented with traits, not opinion modifiers. WoL business focus events slightly tweaked.

Build events require a certain starting fund, but might cost a little bit more. Potential income is also slightly higher. You are now given the option to reveal the map as it was displayed in CK2. Most notable this was an issue for nations with a capital not within Europe, as those with a capital outside of it can end up with owned provinces surrounded by 'terra incognita' for the first few decades of a converted game. Aztec religion head, once appointed can call for a great holy war. After that Aztecs will lose Invasion CB. In later game starts after some rulers of certain cultures and high enough legalism will switch from gavelkind to primogeniture, or from elective gavelkind to elective.

Spouse will be prevented from recommending councillors for 7 years if rejected. Only foreign kings and emperors, and domestic powerful vassals will RSVP for coronation. AI rulers will be more likely to switch to primogeniture or seniority as their legalism tech level rises. Adopt Feudalism decision is now also available if ruler has Medium Tribal Organisation, and legalism, majesty and noble customs atleast at level 3. Hellenic heresies will no longer trigger ERE auto-destruct event. ALL cultures now have castle cultural buildings. Indolent child bribe event chain won't fire if child doesn't have any money. Female councillor event chain won't fire if ruler has lifetime appointment law. NWO event setup allowing patrician player to cause game over.

Prisoner instigating challenge with an insult. Some patricians not being able to trigger NWO events. Fixed Aztecs not having Invasion CB. Despot title existing while current heir is underage. Player being forced to break with lover because of having low opinion of lover. Miracle healing on pillgramage should now work. Several cases where councillors were appointed by event with Lifetime Appointment law active. Added another check which should prevent Patriarch Supreme from taking Rome too easily he can still get it in the normal way.

Added the missing icon for the 'Grand Trunk Road'. Fixed some issues with the 'Grand Trunk Road'. Adventurers will no longer be stuck as planning adventure while incapable. Missing Assyrian and Kurdish kingdoms from India Expansion. Caliph titles that are deactivated at game start are now creatable via special decision. One for primarily land or sea, one for African trade and one for the Silk Road.

Added missing retinues for Scots and Basque cultures. Added missing retinues for East Germanic cultures. Added missing retinues for East Romance cultures. Added missing retinues for Franco Germanic cultures. Replaced Release Prisoner game rule with appropriate decisions. Allowed seduction for lustful characters if they don't have a lover. In addition, it will only push MA up to After that, it will no longer have effect on MA. It's effect is reduced from 2 to 1. Messalian perfection decision, will now be only possible if MA is above It's duration is reduced from 10 years to 5 years. Schism can now happen even if one of the Orthodox heresies has taken over Patriarchate of Constantinople. Adjusted some succession laws Norway becomes elective, Croatia and Hungary become primogeniture after PU, Iberian kingdoms also get primogeniture.

Normal chalcedonian papal succession will result with one normal papacy and with one interim papacy that will be removed after a day. Fixed prosperity tooltip. Fixed two persistent papacies when India module activated run event Plus. Fixed "The Anarchy" bookmark war being invalidated. Fixed an issue causing rulers to not start with their defined historical succession law. Fixed a bug disallowing women or any character in Agnatic realms from choosing the Become Heir objective. Fixed former Varangians getting "returned home" events long after they're landed Fixed Bogomilist rulers being stuck with no Church Law. Fixed errors in province map - invalid colours and a shortcut through the Pyrenees.

Fixed separatist faction leader staying leader after the war is over. Fixed claimant starting adventure if one of his claims is already being pressed. Fixed war games and various other WoL events triggering during war time. Fixed papal jurisdiction event scoping to mercs or holy orders. Fixed immortals losing combat skill Fixed "Unexpected Duel" firing for a province.

Fixed usage of vanilla Do Not Disturb flag. Spoiler Added Arab localisations to some titles. Fixed history of Abbasid Caliphs, they are now Levantine instead of Bedouin. Fixed the religious history of Sicily, since it would jump to Orthodox, although the provinces are still under muslim control. Colour of the Catalan culture was changed, because it was too similiar to Castilian. Attempted fix of multiple event for prisoners and missionaries. Apparently this might be a vanilla thing, so there may be more.

With this change event will run on the second day of your chosen start. Fixed Chalcedonian Pope succession events Mercenaries and holy orders can no longer get a claim on the imperial throne. Reduced chance for a claim on imperial throne for characters that are of different culture within a group. Characters of different culture group or of different religion can no longer claim imperial throne. Fixed marriage ambitions having same conditions for abort and success. Temporarily disabled decision to expand Immortals holy order. Reworked Papal Chalcedonian succession. Papal title should now go directly to one of the cardinals.

Despot title for players with the Conclave DLC is no longer active if there are no suitable candidates for it. Fixed Lack of Ambition modifier being stuck for some ambitions. Fixed a redundant map region inclusion. In this case of legitimization, negative opinion modifier is applied to siblings and children of the ruler. Regnal religious names will no longer be given to secular rulers. After schism, title history is copied to Ecumenical Patriarch and Papal State.

The "Shield Maiden" trait pagan version of Martial Lady has been renamed to Warrior Woman to avoid confusion with the Shieldmaiden trait added in 2. Since they do different things, both will remain. Normally in Plus, Aztecs have a very minor chance of appearing. This option was added as a "Reduced" game rule, and is set as default option. Streamlined Zoroastrian holy orders: instead of the previous three one formed by event, two formed by decision, all named some variation of "Immortals" there should now only be one, formed by a decision and expanded by another.

Plus day-one decisions transfered to game rules. Supernatural events are by default turned OFF. This prevents having a kingdom title usurped out from underneath a non-participant in the crusade. Added titular kingdoms for Assyrians and Kurds and a titular Assyrian Empire. Numerous cultural fixes, changes and additions. Fixed patricians losing ability to marry matrilinealy when switching gender laws Fixed improper Aquitaine de jure fragment in the millenium bookmark Fixed Despot title being unavailable to players without Conclave DLC Fixed Isle of Mann not being part of any roman provinces.

Fixed issue where minors could get coronated if regent dies Fixed poets, they should now get random traits Fixed player characters being being automatically married to AI Adjusted borders between Norway and Sweden Decadence traits for Muslims now apply to any ruler who has no lieges of their dynasty in the realm above them - not only to the dynasty head. Convincing relatives to straighten up may now also be performed by any ruler who is responsible for dynasty members in their own sub-realm, and not only by the dynasty head.

Spoiler Added a customization decision to start the games with an approximation of ahistorical, de Jure vanilla CK2 empires. Please note that depending on the bookmark chosen there may be some variation compared to vanilla due to differently shaped kingdoms. Fixed a bug preventing ships from sailing in or out of Kerry in Ireland Fixed an issue regarding certain CBs due to an issue PDS introduced recently Fixed several mercenary and title issues thanks to Agnitio Ex Mach's help In later bookmarks changed the vassal relationship of Russia rulers to the hordes to instead be tributary relationships Shuffled the kingdom colours in India around to make them more easily distinguishable Added the bookmark "A New Millenium" to the era chooser UI, replacing the era.

The latter can still be chosen as a regular bookmark via "Custom Game Setup" Fixed a phantom character appearing in the "High Middle Ages" era Fixed a CTD with the title finder Rulers with tributaries may now declare war on them for claims, at an extra penalty. You will lose all your tributaries, lose prestige and a loss of opinion with your vassals.

The AI will never make use of this You may now release tributaries peacefully, signing a 10 year non-aggression pact in the process Fixed consorts being able to marry other courtiers on their own Emperors of the HRE, ERE and Roman Empire may now reduce the Title Laws back down if they wish Courtiers may no longer pick the "Gain an Estate" ambition if their liege is unable to grant them one due to their government from Courtiers may no longer buy estates if their liege would not be able to grant them due to their government form Distributing a new primary title to a courtier or vassal will now also make that title adopt the liege's succession laws, including gender laws, instead of using Agnatic Gavelkind everytime.

Spoiler Visigoths added to the new East Germanic culture group. Byzantine Empire can now be inherited by any christian. However, if Latin Empire does not exist, and new ruler is catholic or catholic heresy, Byzantine Empire will convert to Latin. Fixed an issue preventing the usage of "Invite to Court" and other similar diplo actions Fixed the tech group icon strip for the EU4C New King's Peace law allows those who don't have Conclave or have abolished the council to enforce peace in their realm.

Localizations cleaned further to localize by culture for non-temple holdings and religion for temple holdings with as few exceptions as possible Removed most inaccurate and direct translation celtic localizations Added events for Levantine rulers and provinces to flip to Assyrian culture if they are Nestorian or Messalian. Fixed options tooltip in child's combat training event. Adventurers now only recruit from provinces in the demesne of a ruler who has given them permission to do so. They must approach the top liege of the realm, and if given permission to remain must go to each vassal in that realm in turn.

If they are not permitted to remain by the top liege, they cannot approach any of his vassals. Adventurers are now restricted to a maximum distance from their point of origin so no Irish adventurers wandering their way down into Africa, or similar. More holdings added into Alpunte province in Hispania. Seduction distance expanded to from or in the same realm as the tooltip actually states. The AI will only target someone within the distance, however, same realm or no. Added a player only diplo action for the sending of semi-custom amounts of wealth. This action will not grant any opinion modifiers. Chances of capture or other siege effects should now be properly random. Trade Post tooltip updated to reflect restrictions better.

Spoiler Fixed rebellions only ending with invalidation. Fixed event text for when your Lord Chaplain refuses to stay behind in a pagan realm he's been ejected from, so he tells you so. Fixed two imperial court events that had mislabeled options. Family members serving in the empire's capital now gain imperial traits much more quickly.

Male Gaze : The camera has a tendency to linger on female rears during cutscenes, like here. Did Not Get the Girl : Should Geralt keep Vivienne's condition secret from Guillaume, he will not only end up alone, but also Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge How To Write A Premarital Cohabitation Argumentative Essay Personal Narrative: The Medieval City Of Brugge over the whole chivalry thing. ISBN

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