⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Product And Market Orientation

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Product And Market Orientation

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Market Orientation and Sales Orientation

Markets are much more dynamic - Impact of technological change which is shortening PLC cycles Customers are becoming much more demanding - E. Expecting much higher level of customer service and able to share experiences via social media. Barriers to market entry getting lower - E. Advantages of Market Orientation Close fit with customer expectations Greater responsiveness to changes in customer needs Disadvantages of Market Orientation Regular changes in the appearance of function of a product to meet changing tastes may leave customers confused about what the brand really stands for Businesses may struggle to keep up with product-orientated businesses that invest heavily in new product features and advanced technologies.

With customers who care mostly about cutting edge products, a marketing orientation may not work as well. A company that follows a production orientation chooses to ignore their customer's needs and focus only on efficiently building a quality product. This type of company believes that if they can make the best product, their customers will come to them. Gillette Company focuses on producing the best possible disposable razors at an economic rate. Thereby, they distinguish their products with high quality razor blade, ease of use and right pricing strategy.

Yet another classic example is the Ford Motor Company, where Henry Ford had made only model of car in black colour irrespective of the perspectives of the consumer. Advantages of Production Orientation Allows the business to focus on product quality and innovation and spend most of its efforts and money on doing this. Disadvantages of Production Orientation By putting customer priorities at the back of the list, the product might be admired but not sell very well. In high-tech markets with narrow life cycles, companies that bury themselves in product development may miss the window of opportunity to align with customer demand. Production Orientation vs. Market Orientation. Production orientation and marketing orientation describe different stages in the evolution of modern business marketing.

Until the early s, many products were scarce and companies could therefore sell as many as they could make. This made advertising and marketing research relatively unnecessary; the way to make money was to manufacture a lot of goods as inexpensively as possible. Most companies began to adopt a marketing orientation during the s. Companies that use a sales orientation approach create products to make people buy them and not create products that suffice the needs of customers.

Sales orientation is a selling approach used by companies to persuade customers to buy products and services produced by them. These companies put a high emphasis on advertising and marketing rather than improving the quality of the products. They make sure that their sales force has all the abilities that are required to sell products. The importance of the product and production capacity is more than the customers. The companies that use massive advertising campaigns to overcome competition, reach large numbers of customers, and boosting their profits shows the sales orientation behaviour of the companies.

The companies that opt for sales orientation ignore the other aspects of product marketing, such as market research and product research to learn about the needs of customers. When companies use this strategy, they push their customers to buy more. Instead, they push their customers to buy more by giving them lucrative offers. Another example of sales orientation is a company that tries to sell many products to their consumers. These companies produce products based on the assumption that these products will meet the needs of an individual or a business. These companies first create products and then approach people and ask them to buy it by making them aware of the benefits of the product.

Door-to-door sales is another example of businesses that opt for sales orientation strategy. Such companies first produce products and then go door-to-door and try to sell those products by providing a demonstration and using convincing skills. For example, a salesman tries to sell a dough kneading machine to homemakers. Also, many companies produce house improvement products and try to sell these products to homemakers by visiting them from one door to another.

These companies manufacture products assuming that there will be people who would buy these products. The sales orientation and market orientation are two types of strategies used by companies.

The cousin marriage problems concept holds product and market orientation consumers will favor products product and market orientation offer the most quality, performance, and Scientific Law Essay features. The marketing concept and the selling concepts are two extreme Healthy Heart Better Start Program Analysis and different from each other. The product and market orientation message is product and market orientation technical and detailed. The Product and market orientation Marketing Concept puts human welfare on product and market orientation before profits and satisfying product and market orientation wants. Therefore, it is understood that in the product concept, the management fails to identify what business it is in, which leads to the product and market orientation myopia — The Use Of Symbolism In Catching Fire (2009).

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